critical infrastructure lab

I created the visual identity for the critical infrastructure lab at the University of Amsterdam. This identity is the result of a collective thought and creation process between the lab’s co-leads fieke janssen, maxigas, niels ten oever, and myself. For a week, I observed the work of the lab and conducted several workshops to find a guiding principle for the design. I wanted the co-leads to own the design by entirely being part of the creation process. Based in our collective process, I created the logo, web design, print design, and an automated printing pipeline that converts markdown files to PDFs using the layout created for the infralab.

The logo on the website changes at each page load to remind people of that infrastructures are temporary. One's interaction with the website leaves a playful trail, a reminder that we are the ones who can influence building better infrastructures.

→ Read more about the creation process
→ See website:
→ For critical infrastructure lab / University of Amsterdam
→ 2023

screenshot website critical infralab amsterdam
screenshot website critical infralab amsterdam
screenshot website critical infralab amsterdam
screenshot website critical infralab amsterdam
screenshot website critical infralab amsterdam
print design critical infralab amsterdam
print design critical infralab amsterdam
print design critical infralab amsterdam
print design critical infralab amsterdam