
Свобода в мережі. Як насправді працює інтернет Stary Lev (Old Lion), 2023. Ульріке Уліґ, Мелорі Кнодель, Нільс Тен Евер, Корін Кат. ISBN: 978-966-448-130-1

읽자마자 IT 전문가가 되는 네트워크 교과서. 코딩·프로그래밍·해킹과 보안·IT 엔지니어링의 기초가 탄탄해지는 네트워크의 구조와 작동 원리 Bonusbook Publishing, 2023. ISBN: 978-8964946060.

Connaissez-vous vraiment Internet ? Protocoles, censure, sécurité, gouvernance. Eyrolles, 2022. Ulrike Uhlig, Mallory Knodel, Niels ten Oever, Corinne Cath, and Catnip. Published by ARTICLE 19. ISBN: 978-2-416-00727-9

Internet. Jak działa naprawdę? Ilustrowany przewodnik po protokołach, prywatności, cenzurze i zarządzaniu. Helion, 2022. Ulrike Uhlig, Mallory Knodel, Niels ten Oever, Corinne Cath, and Catnip. Published by ARTICLE 19. ISBN: 978-83-283-8341-8

Das Internet gehört uns allen! Protokolle, Datenschutz, Zensur und Internet Governance anschaulich illustriert. dpunkt. Verlag, 2021. Ulrike Uhlig, Mallory Knodel, Niels ten Oever, Corinne Cath, and Catnip. Published by ARTICLE 19. Translated by Volkmar Gronau. ISBN: 978-3864908699

How the Internet Really Works. An illustrated guide to protocols, privacy, censorship, and governance. No Starch Press. 2020. Ulrike Uhlig, Mallory Knodel, Niels ten Oever, Corinne Cath, and Catnip. Published by ARTICLE 19. ISBN: 9781718500297

Hanns Heinz Ewers: Le machin qui clignote, in Amer Enfants, Les Ames d'Atala, 2011, pp. 77, ISBN: 2914851138. For Amer, I translated the original text Das blinkende Ding (1922) from German to French. Le machin qui clignote / Das blinkende Ding is a tale full of symbolisms that gives insight into the spirit of an old man between two world wars.

Déchiffrer la réalité. La critique anticapitaliste dans l’art contemporain. Cartes et diagrammes – atlas d’un monde sans mode d’emploi (Deciphering reality, anti-capitalist critique in contemporary art. Maps and diagrams – atlas of a world without an operating manual), research subject at Université Paris VIII under the guidance of Jean-Claude Moineau, 2005.
The thesis discusses the use of cartography and mapping by contemporary artists. It divides maps in contemporary art into ideological and non-ideological maps and discusses in particular the ideological map in the works of Bureau d’Etudes, Marisa Yiu, Marc Lombardi and Multiplicity, a group around the architect Stefano Boeri. The thesis finds that the use of such ideological maps is similar to the process of hacking as it constitutes an appropriation process of a changing world and its processes – which lack the existence of an atlas or operating manual. Thus, by mapping this changing territory, cartography not only helps to understand and make the invisible visible, but also to position oneself on or outside of the map.

Press, Interviews, Reviews

Wissen ist Macht, article about the German edition of "How the internet really works", by Cheryl Cadamuro, in Revue, n°22, pp.46-48, Luxemburg, 2022

Book Review: How the Internet Really Works: An Illustrated Guide to Protocols, Privacy, Censorship, and Governance, by Ben Rothke, 1st March 2022

Tout ce que vous avez toujours voulu savoir sur internet, by Clémence Tingry/France, 2022

Dig it? Podcast Episode 5: How the internet really works mit Ulrike Uhlig, Museum for Contemporary Art (GfZK), Leipzig/Germany, 2021

Video-Interview in the framework of Dig it? Digitale Prototypen fürs Museum: Was bleibt?, for Holodeck, Bundeskulturstiftung, 2021

Logbuch Netzpolitik 413, podcast of Tim Pritlove and Linus Neumann of the CCC, mentions the book "How the internet really works", 2021

Foreword for German edition of "How the internet really works", Linus Neumann, Chaos Computer Club (CCC), 2021

Activists Ulrike Uhlig and Mallory Knodel Reimagine the Internet, interview with NoStarchPress/USA, 2021

Fiche de lecture: How the internet really works, by Stéphane Bortzmeyer/France, 2021

Promoting governance of the internet as a global public good in 2020, by Association for Progressive Communications (APC), 2020

Workshops & Talks

  • 2024 Let's imagine/map/draw a feminist internet, Eclectic Tech Carnival, Berlin/Germany
  • 2023 Thinking through drawing and illustration, d12n (digital research cluster) @ Leiden University, Leiden/NL
  • 2021 How the internet really works, day workshop, Dig it?, Museum for Contemporary Art (GfzK) Leipzig/Germany
  • 2021 Scientific knowledge transfer via books and books for children, talk, Weizenbaum Institut, Berlin/Germany (online)
  • 2021 Do *you* know how the internet really works?, workshop with Mallory Knodel, RightsCon (online)
  • 2021 How the internet really works, workshop, Hochschule für Künste Bremen/Germany (online)
  • 2021 Collaborative tools, workshop, Hochschule für Künste Bremen/Germany (online)
  • 2021 workshops about anger and work, Feminist hacker assembly CCC (online)
  • 2020 workshop about anger, Feminist hacker assembly CCC (online)
  • 2020 Comic reading How the internet really works, with Mallory Knodel, Privacyweek Vienna/Austria (online)
  • 2020 Cooperation in free software structures, talk, with Enrico Zini, DebConf (online)
  • 2015 Privatsphäre im Internet selbstverantworten, day workshop for women artists, Alphanova Galerie Berlin/Germany
  • 2013 Ruralab, I founded the Ruralab, which proposed privacy workshops France's rural countryside, together with local farmers and anti-GMO activists, Granville/France
  • 2010-2011 Ateliers Femmes / Du Libre, hardware and programming workshops for women (collective), Nantes/France
  • 2008 Privacy workshop, Festival BanditsMages, invited by Nathalie Magnan, with Emmanuel Revah, Bourges/France
  • 2008 Co-organization of HackerSpaceFest /tmp/lab (hacklab), Vitry/France
  • 2007 Workshops for women in free software (collective), Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre (RMLL), Amiens/France
  • 2006 feminist server workshop (collective), Samedi collectifs, Bruxelles/Belgium
  • 2005 Hardware workshop (collective) with the GenderChangers (Amsterdam), Nocturnes des Rencontres Mondiales du Logiciel Libre (RMLL), Dijon/France


  • 2022 — work stipend by City of Leipzig, Leipzig/Germany.
  • 2020 — subvention by European Social Fund, Germany.
  • 2003 — work stipend by mnbnk., Berlin/Germany.

Administrative entries